Friday, September 10, 2010


The thing I know about Kenyan showbiz is that its full of hype and not many artists really live the life/lives they portray.I know a few who had nothing and now they are making money from the industry out of their own hard work.And I know many who have worked so hard and still not getting paid as they should.Even after writing good lyrics and gathering a number of fans,some artists only have a name but back at home still living with their parents since they still cant afford to live by themselves.
    The cost of music production is very high and not many artists can afford to record a song and make a video for it without feeling the pinch.kshs5000 is about the least amount charged just to record one song.And maybe kshs30,000 to make a video for the same song which brings it to a total of kshs35,000.That looks like a simple figure but not many can afford to raise such an amount.Now what about this guy who wants to do an album of ten songs?He/she has to figure out how to raise kshs350,000!

Now the "Elites"in showbiz have started charging shs100,000 for a single music video!I think its sad to the up and coming artists who really hope to enter a studio booth and record some music.



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